Rev. Lemuel Haynes
July 18, 1753 – September 28, 1833 Soldier / Clergyman The first major fighting in [...]
George Irving Shirley
Born April 18, 1934 Opera Singer Shirley was born on this day, April 18, 1934 [...]
Althea Simmons
April 17, 1924 – September 13, 1990 Lawyer / Activist Althea T.L. Simmons was born [...]
Dr Georgia E L P Washington
April 16, 1864 – November 8, 1900 Physician / Missionary Georgia Esther Lee Patton was [...]
Norma Merrick Sklarek
April 15, 1926 – February 6, 2012 Architect Norma Sklarek was born on this day [...]
Dr. Gloria Dean Randle Scott
Born April 14, 1938 Educator / Administrator Gloria Scott was born on this day, April [...]
Sir Sidney Poitier
February 20, 1927 – January 6, 2022 Actor / Director Sidney Poitier was born in [...]
Emmett Littleton Ashford
November 23, 1914 – March 1, 1980 Baseball Umpire Emmett Ashford was the first African [...]
Dr. Percy Lavon Julian
April 11, 1899 – April 19, 1975 Scientist (Chemist) On this day, April 11, in [...]
Michael Jeffrey Jordan
Born February 17, 1963 Basketball Player / Business Mogul / Icon Michael Jeffrey Jordan was [...]
Dr. Huey Percy Newton
February 17, 1942 – August 22, 1989 Revolutionary Leader / Activist Huey Percy Newton was [...]
Tracy Lauren Marrow (Ice-T)
Born February 16, 1958 Recording Artist / Actor / Producer Tracy Lauren Marrow was born [...]